Saturday, March 16, 2013

Jennifer and Will {Baby Bump Shoot}

Last weekend I had the pleasure of spending a few hours with Jennifer and Will. Witnessing two people so in love and so excited to meet their first child- it was really a moving experience. 

I had never taken "baby bump" pictures before, but Jennifer and Will had plenty of ideas and were up for anything! It was a beautiful day so we headed to Quiet Waters Park for some fun in the sun and on the playground.

And of course, we had to take shots with just the belly  - after all, that's where this miracle is happening!!

This picture is one of my favorites from this shoot!

                  Jen is due in April with baby William, who they will call Liam for short.

Back at their house, we had fun using some props and fun lighting for some more belly shots.

Congratulations to Jen and Will and I can't wait to meet Liam!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Last week I was in Detroit for an International Baccalaureate conference and I of course took my camera. Sadly, I didn't have much time to take pictures and it was one time I really wished my eyes could take pictures. 
When we arrived we had a few hours to kill, so we wandered to Greektown. I didn't take my camera, so these are all from my iPhone. Greektown was like a movie set! There was music playing over loud speakers, Greek and American flags hanging across the streets and steam coming up from manholes....BUT it was empty!

The second night, we ventured out to a local brewery for dinner. The beers were great, the pizzas were delicious and the service was awesome!

It was pretty cold the whole time, and we were so busy that I didn't have much time to play. So these were the pictures I nabbed through windows...