Monday, February 18, 2013

Dabney and Carlton

Saturday I had the opportunity and pleasure of photographing Dabney and Carlton in downtown Annapolis. Unfortunately, we were stuck with some pretty nasty and FREEZING weather to contend with- but Dabney and Carlton made the best of the situation by staying close together.  Due to the fact Carlton, an officer in the Air Force, is currently stationed in New Mexico- we had to work with the precious time we had.

Right off the bat these two showed me that they weren’t going to have any problems showing off how much they loved one another – they were ready to be close and I often had to remind them to stop being so cute when I wasn’t ready with to take the shot. All kidding aside, these two were a dream to work with and made the freezing cold shoot a whole lot easier. 

Our mutual friend Laura, who also happens to be the one who told Dabney about me, brought along a bright green umbrella in case the rain/snow didn't stop. Luckily it did, but also lucky she brought it because it made a fun, bright spot on a rather gray day.

These two had such great chemistry, it was hard to believe they had only been dating a year!                                  

So happy for these two and wish them all the best!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

"I'm Gonna Live Forever!"

Over the past few months I have been fortunate enough to photograph my schools production of Fame Jr. 

I have to say, I was very impressed with the progression of the show and how well everyone worked together to make it come together.  I was also pretty excited to have the opportunity to photograph something new. The light inside where the production was taking place proved to be difficult at times, especially when the stage lights came on.  However, the more I practiced, the better I was able to adjust and capture some pretty cool moments on and off the stage. The photographs will be put on the DVD with the recording of the show, and parents/students can print the ones they choose.
It's my hope that perhaps one of these parents will like the pictures enough to seek me out to do some family shots.... but even if they don't - it was fun and great practice (even when I fell in front of the whole cast when the chair I was standing on collapsed!)

I wish I could post more of the pictures I took- but since my subjects are minors and some are my students, there are some confidentiality issues.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Soaking it all in...

So last week I began a DSLR class with the talented Kory Chase of Twist photography (go check her out on Facebook or her website ! She is super talented!) 

At first I have to admit that I was a little overwhelmed and a little inadequate - in fact- I think I had lens envy. However, I got talked out of forking over a lot of money for a new lens and instead, decided to learn everything I could about what I already have. (No dear husband, that doesn't mean I won't ever want a new lens... :p )


                                                     Took this with one of Kory's lenses....LOVE!

The first assignment was to focus on learning about what our cameras/lenses could do in terms of aperture. So I dragged Sean off on one our freakishly warm days this past week and headed to the park. He quickly cautioned me to not  get any of the children in my shots by accident as the community may think I was somewhat of a creeper. I ended up playing around with this ball game at the park.

The rest of the week was spent capturing yet another moment with my cat, Lucky, my very loyal photo subject!


This weeks homework is all about shutter speed and movement. I'm excited to continue to learn new things- but watch out- I may come steal your child for an hour or two :p